Migrate to api.adoptium.net

AdoptOpenJDK has moved to the Eclipse Foundation.

Adoptium is the successor project to AdoptOpenJDK. As part of the move, AdoptOpenJDK will no longer produce new builds. It is therefore recommended that:


API compatibility

We have kept the API usage identical between the AdoptOpenJDK V3 API and api.adoptium.net for ease of migration. We plan to continue to maintain it as backwards compatible with the AdoptOpenJDK API.

tl;dr :

Updates To Vendor List

Changes at AdoptOpenJDK

The Vendor list in the AdoptOpenJDK API (at time of writing) is as follows:

adoptopenjdk, openjdk, alibaba, ibm, eclipse

In the past we distributed both Hotspot and OpenJ9 under the adoptopenjdk Vendor. When requests were made that did not explicitly state which Vendor was required, the Vendor would default to adoptopenjdk.

Now that AdoptOpenJDK will no-longer produce binaries, in order to keep delivering updates to those depending on the AdoptOpenJDK API, the Vendor adoptopenjdk has been made synonymous to eclipse. Requests that explicitly ask for adoptopenjdk, or do not specify a specific Vendor, will return assets that are produced by either adoptopenjdk (legacy) or eclipse. That synonym only works one way, requests asking specifically for eclipse will ONLY return builds produced by Eclipse Adoptium and NOT builds that were created at AdoptOpenJDK.

The addition of the ibm vendor is to support the new Semeru project who will be distributing OpenJ9 builds.

With the exception of legacy binaries, most requests for Hotspot JVMs should ultimately return an Eclipse Temurin binary.

Changes at Eclipse Adoptium

eclipse has become the new default (and currently only) Vendor at api.adoptium.net. New releases will have the vendor eclipse. api.adoptium.net will only distribute binaries produced by Eclipse.

Updates To jvm_impl List

The jvm_impl list in the AdoptOpenJDK API is as follows:

hotspot, openj9, dragonwell

At api.adoptium.net (at time of writing), we are only distributing hotspot binaries, this has therefore become the one and only jvm_impl at api.adoptium.net

Reset stats

Download statistics at Adoptium will only show downloads of Temurin binaries.

The AdoptOpenJDK API will only show download statistics of the legacy AdoptOpenJDK binaries.